Enroll By First Week of March Age Group - 2 to 12 years (2018)

Summer camps come in all shapes and sizes, and studies have shown it’s important for kids to try variety of activities during their “sampling years” to learn which activities they enjoy and excel at. The summer camp program was organized by the SpecialMe kids club for children of age 2 to 12 yrs which helped children to learn how to work with others, build meaningful relationships, accept guidance and develop decision-making skills.

List of Exciting Events & Fun Loaded Activities


Nature Craft

Children are often curious about the natural things they see around like leaves, twigs, sticks, sand and stones. The mentors inspired and guided children to create new craft items out of natural material available.


Children love to have a sense of accomplishment in what they do. Fun with clay is children’s all time favorite. Kids were encouraged to make the clay pots under the guidance of the potter.

Retro games

Olden days golden fun. Retro games are all time best for forever. The ‘Snake and Ladder’ pattern was drawn on floor and the kids were asked to move on the number box as the dice was rolled. It was fun activity to develop good motor skills. The Hopscotch game helped children to manage body rhythm, which is the core of numerous other skills. Movements involved build body strength, balance, eye/hand coordination and more.

Splash Pool

Children love to play in water. Child friendly splash pool was arranged for kids to play in water. It helped in cognitive development, vocabulary building and social skills.

Sandy Toe

Let the mess begin! Mud play is a fabulous way to engage children in real, sensory based play. Toy cars were added and children had fun carving out roads in the muddy landscape.

Culinary Art

Cooking with kids is fun. Children love to measure and mix, pour and decorate. Sandwiches with smiley faces were made by kids.

Puppet Making

Kids love making puppets and it’s the perfect activity to keep kids entertained. Children made the sock puppets and enjoyed the imaginative play.

Tie Dye

Tie Dye is so much fun for kids.  Mixing colors, watching them blend into swirls and bright abstract images. Children printed various patterns of vibrant colors and expressed their creative ideas.

Dance & Movement

Dancing is one form of physical for children and best way to express their feelings. Children rock the floor by their energetic movements.
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