Enroll By First Week of March Age Group - 2 to 12 years

List of Exciting Events & Fun Loaded Activities


Nature Trail

An enriching camp experience for 3 to 7 year old. Your little
Camper will be all a lutter in our nature trail filled with outdoor
fun, providing a hands-on experience in the natural world
Campers get to investigate nature through trail walks, games, art
projects and much more.

Sneak and Peak

Peak around corners, write secret messages in invisible ink and
reinvent your favorite mystery story.

My Turn, My Task

A life skill to inculcate self-regulation, social understanding
skills. It involves what to do when I am waiting, knowing when
to take a tum and a variety of linguistic and non-linguistic skills.

Grandparents Biography

Throughout history, grandparents have been the key to family
harmony and continuity. A wonderful time of reflection to
capture and preserve grandparents unique memories, from the
days of their own childhood through the precious moments they
spend with their grandchildren.

Team Builders

Build fond memories that will last a life time, develop
friendship and gain as sense of independence whilst developing
essetial skills in a fun, safe and secured environment.

Life Size Selfi

Self-portraits, an actual key part of learning and personal
development. Children explore what self-portraits reveal, what
their imagination looks like or feels like, what ideas look like.

Hip Hop Areobics

Engaging kids with fun and challenging fitness activities to
improve their functional movement patterns, cardiovascular
efficiency and balance all while having good time.

Spelling Connect

A large portion of learning to read with fluency is the ability to
recognize words quickly and easy. A meaningful
program for kids to understand the logic and patterns behind
spellings and how those same patterns apply to other words,
helps kids to decode and / or recognize those words more

Drive in Movie

“Once upon a time…” These words spell magic on kids. A
‘weekly good time to tev up an ordinary movie night.

Hold a Car Wash

An excellent warm weather activity to get children involved and
enjoy natural play with water.


A great way to improve memory, there is a close connection
between practicing playing a musical instrument and academic
success, and the reason is that leaming to play a musical
instrument improves cognitive thinking.

Volley Ball

The sooner kids start playing, the more skilled they become, a
fun sport for all ages.


Go beyond doodling with markers or crayons
with our art educators that encourage kids to
enjoy the process of making art.
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