We at SpecialMe cherish the notion of early childhood education as kids learn their initial lessons through different play and structured activities.

The SpecialMe branch at Bilekahalli is centrally located near several residential layouts, apartments and schools in Bilekahalli.

The SpecialMe branch at Mico Layout is centrally located in the heart of BTM layout in a residential neighborhood.

We offer a balanced learning environment that is custom designed to support every child’s individual emotional, physical and cognitive needs.

Our LittleMe curriculum focuses on fun and learning. We balance fun and social time with teaching time that helps students excel both in and out of school.

The Exclusive Montessori program at SpecialMe supports a child’s budding independence and self-discovery.

To keep you – the parent in the loop always we have developed SpecialMe Parent-Teacher Communication application.

SpecialMe provides extended hours of operation providing our students with opportunities to explore other areas of interest.

Enroll By First Week of March Age Group - 2 to 12 years.

Having an on-site day center addresses many working-parent childcare concerns and expresses a genuine interest in supporting parents in the workplace.
Enroll By third Week of March Age Group - 2 to 10 years
From: 20thmarch to 16thApril
Timings: 9:30AM to 12:30PM
@SpecialMe, Mico Layout

SpecialMe Programs
Choosing childcare is one of the first and most important parenting decision you’ll have to make. We at SpecialMe have organized a day care program that provides structured play and learning experiences for your child in a safe and nurturing environment.
What Makes SpecialMe Different?

Excellent Child/Staff Ratio
We have plenty of staff at our day care to ensure safety as well as complete personalized attention for every child.

Exceptional Teachers
The daycare facility is under the umbrella of an educational institution that has over 35 years of experience in nurturing and educating children.

Specialized Programs
We offer specialized Montessori programs for infants, toddlers, preschool children, and school age children.

Structured Curriculum
A structured program that focuses on fun and learning. We balance fun and social time with teaching time that helps students excel both in and out of school.

Safe & Secure Environment
A safe & secure environment setting where all children feel socially, emotionally and physically safe and valued.